
Selamat Datang di Azzahra elektronik melayani servis tv panggilan tlp 0838-2122-8114/0821-2135-7114 jika anda puas dgn service kami beritahu yang lain jika anda kurang puas beritahu kami

Jumat, 14 April 2023

KODE ERROR Ac semua merk

KODE ERROR AC - buat yang lagi bingung nyari kode eror ac (kalau masih belum lengkap , bisa di lengkapi dikolom komentar)


A0 : T1 - T2 diaktifkan
A1 : kesalahan di indoor PCB
A3 : drainese air tidak normal
A5 : thermistor rusak
A6 : fan motor indoor overload
A7 : swing motor terkunci
A8 : tegangan abnormal
A9 : expation rusak / konektor kontak

AA : 26wh aktif
AF : kesalahan di alat pelembab
AH : kesalahan di filter udara
AJ : PCB rusak
C4 : thermostat rusak
C5 : pipa gas thermostat rusak
C6 : sistem fan rusak
C7 : swicth panel rusak
C9 : thermostat udara masuk rusak
CA : thermistor debit udara rusak
CC : kontak konektor rusak
CJ : thermist utk remote tidak berfungsi
CO: pelindung konektor kontak rusak
E0 : safety device outdoor bekerja
E1 : kesalahan di outdoor PCB
E3 : HP bekerja
E4 : LP bekerja
E5 : compresor terkunci
E6 : compresor terkunci
E7 : fan motor outdoor terkunci
E8 : kerusakan compresor
E9 : expantion rusak
EA : kekurangan gas
EC : thermistor rusak
EF : expation elektronik rusak
F3 : suhu pengeluaran tidak normal
F6 : HP abnormal
H0 : sensor compresor rusak
H1 : limit switch rusak
H3 : swicth HP rusak
H4 : swicth LP rusak
H5 : compresor overload
H6 : kabel compresor rusak
H7 : signal posisi motor outdoor rusak
H8 : transistor daya rusak
H9 : thermist udara luar rusak
HC : kondensasi unit rusak
J2 : sensor tekanan rusak
J3 : thermist pipa discase rusak
J5 : thermist pipa saction rusak
J6 : thermist heat exchangger rusak
J7 : pipa liquid tidak berfungsi
L4 : plat pembuangan panas terlalu tinggi
L5 : terjadi overcurent
L8 : overload
L9 : compresor terkunci
P1 : phase terbuka
P3 : kesalahan di sensor suhu PCB
P4 : kesalahan di sensor suhu heat
rediting fan
PJ : program di data hold IC salah
U0 : suhu pipa masuk tidak normal
U1 : phase terbalik
U2 : kesalahan di sumber tegangan
UF/U4 : komponen rusak
U5 : error di sinyal thermist
U8 : kesalahan thermist antara remote
dengan sumber
UA : kesalahan setting utk selector swicth


E1 : power module overheating,
overcurrent, short circuit
E2 : current sensor sensing current is to
E4 : when the press temperature sensor
heating temperature exceeds 120 ℃
E5 : overcurrent protection
E6 : outdoor temperature sensor failure
E7 : outdoor coil sensor failure
Ea : super-voltage power supply
Ec : cooling when the outdoor heat
exchanger sensor temperature
exceeds 70 ℃ Protection
Ee : chip EEPROM data read error
F1 : room temperature sensor failure
F2 : indoor coil sensor failure
F4 : for heating the indoor coil sensor
72 ℃ Protection
F5 : cooling when the indoor coil
temperature sensor is lower than
0 ℃ following protection
F7 : indoor board communication failure
with the control panel


E1 : Indoor PCB failure
E2 : Duplication of indoor unit address
E5 : Indoor / Outdoor
Communication error
E6 : Indoor Coil Thermistor
E7 : Indoor Thermistor (return)
E8 : Overload (heating mode) or Coil
Thermistor Shorted
E9 : Float switch activated
E10 : Exceeded number of indoor unit
per controller (16 max)
E11 : More than one unit connected to
controller while addressing units
E12 : Check adress if still on old 48 or 49
factory setting
E14 : master/slave setting or wiring error
E16 : Indoor Fan motor
E28 : Remote controller sensor error
E32 : 2 of the 2 phase power supply error
E34 : Abnormally low current on L3
E35 /E37 : Outdoor Heat exchanger
thermistor error
E36/39 : Abnormally high compressor
discharge temperature or
thermistor error
E38 : Outdoor air thermistor
E40 : High pressure switch activated
E41 : Inverter power transistor overheated
E42 : Compressor high current
E43 : Exceeded the number of inddor unit
to outdoor
E45 : Indoor / Outdoor transmission error
E46 : Address conflict
E47 : Inverter over voltage
E48 : DC outdoor fan motor error
E49 : Low pressure fault
E51 : Inverter PCB fault or Power
transistor fault
E56 : Power transistor Thermistor
E57 : Low refrigerant
E59 : Compressor startup error
E60 : Compressor position detection error
E63 : Emergency stop of indoor unit


S01 : Suhu kamar kegagalan sensor
S02 : Indoor coil kegagalan sensor
S03 : Kelembapan sensor kegagalan
Ganti papan ruangan
S04 : Comp. sensor suhu kegagalan
Periksa sensor untuk kontinuitas
S05 : Terbuka coil kegagalan sensor
Periksa sensor untuk kelangsungan
S06 : Terbuka udara kegagalan sensor
Periksa sensor untuk kontinuitas
S07 : Terbuka kegagalan sensor arus
Ganti papan luar ruangan
E01 : Indoor / outdoor kegagalan
komunikasi Lihat diagnosa rinci
E02 : kegagalan sirkuit HIC (Compressor /
Fan sirkuit) Lihat diagnostik rinci
E03 : Terbuka Unit OTP kegagalan rom
Lihat diagnostik rinci
E04 : Puncak cut off saat Lihat diagnosa
E05 : PAM atau kegagalan sirkuit aktif
Lihat diagnostik rinci
E06 : Tinggi kompresor suhu debit Lihat
diagnostik rinci
E07 : Indoor kegagalan operasi fan Lihat
diagnostik rinci
E08 : 4 arah katup kegagalan switching
(RV) Lihat diagnostik rinci
E09 : Tidak ada perlindungan refrigerant
Lihat diagnostik rinci
E10 : DC penggerak kompresor kegagalan
sirkuit Lihat diagnostik rinci
E11 : Terbuka kegagalan operasi
fan Lihat diagnostik rinci
E12 : Kesalahan dalam unit outdoor Lihat
diagnostik rinci
E13 : pencegahan Freeze diaktifkan Lihat
diagnostik terperinciTerbuka
kegagalan operasi


EO : In and out communication failure
EC : Outdoor communication failure
E1 : Outdoor sensor
E2 : Indoor coil temperature sensor
E3 : Outdoor coil temperature sensor
E4 : System abnormity
E5 : Type mismatch
E6 : Indoor fan motor
E7 : Outdoor temperature sensor
E8 : Discharge temperature sensor
E9 : Invert module abnormity
EF : Outdoor fan motor (DC)
EA : Current sensor
EE : EEPROM failure
EP : Top of compressor temperature
EU : Voltage sensor

Semoga bermanfaat

(Berbagai aja dulu - pahala belakangan ) 😆😆😆😆

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